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Central Armed Police Forces

The Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) alludes to uniform classification of five security powers in India under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Their job is to protect the public interest mostly against the inward dangers. They are the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).

Central Armed Police Forces are coordinated with the essential function of fringe guarding for BSF, ITBP, SSB; Security of important foundations by CISF, Assisting Police to handle Law and Order, Counter- Terrorist Operations, Counter Naxal Operations by CRPF, NSG. Aside from the essential job, all CAPFs are associated with helping Police in Law and Order circumstances and furthermore Army in Counter- Terrorist Operations. BSF and CRPF have helped the military during outer animosity before. CAPFs work alongside both Army and Police in various jobs relegated to them.


central Armed Police Forces staff likewise serve in different significant associations, for example, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Special Protection Group (SPG), National Investigation Agency (NIA), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) STATE ARMED POLICE FORCE (Jharkhand jaguars, Bihar Military Police, UP/MP STF, DRG, IRB, Chhattisgarh Armed Police and so forth) on assignment and have connection/preparing in different levels/developments/courses alongside Indian Army. Their job and execution, in this manner, expects an extraordinary centrality because of the unique highlights of a crisis power which is squeezed in guide to the common capacity to play out different functions in amazingly troublesome circumstances.

Border security force

Border security force

The Border Security Force (BSF) is India’s Primary fringe guarding association on its border with Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is one of the three Border Guarding Forces (BGF) of India, and was brought up in the wake of the 1965 War on 1 December 1965, for guaranteeing the security of the fringes of India and for issues associated there with. It is an border guarding power accused of guarding India’s property fringe with Pakistan and Bangladesh during peacetime and forestalling transnational wrongdoing at the equivalent, it has different dynamic parts during an episode of war. It goes under Ministry of Home Affairs. The BSF takes its officials from IPS on assignment at order and administration levels, from the position of Deputy Director General (DIG) or more. Resigned Brigadiers from the Indian Army are likewise assimilated at the DIG rank. Its head, assigned as a Director-General (DG), is additionally from the Indian Police Service. In any case, at the ground level, organizations and contingents are driven by own framework officials of BSF who are chosen by UPSC as Assistant Commandants. Colleague Commandants are additionally ingested inside through advancements and departmental assessments from lower positions, for example, Inspector/Sub-Inspector. Organizations are driven by an Assistant Commandant and legions are driven by Commandants. Framework officials likewise get elevated to more significant levels dependent on position subject to vacancies. The BSF has developed dramatically from a couple of brigades in 1965, to 186 contingents with an endorsed strength of 257,363 staff including a growing air wing, marine wing, a big gun’s regiment, and commando units. It as of now remains as the world’s biggest fringe guarding power. BSF has been named as the First Line of Defense of Indian Territories.


Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Operation Blue Star

Operation Black Thunder Insurgency in Punjab
Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir
Operation Vijay – Kargil War
2001 Bangladeshi-Indian border conflict
2001–2002 Operation Prakarm
2013 India-Pakistan Border conflict
2014–15 India–Pakistan border conflict
2016–2018 India–Pakistan border conflict
2019 India–Pakistan border conflict



The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is India’s biggest Central Armed Police Force. Its capacities under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of the Government of India. The CRPF’s essential job lies in helping the State/Union Territories in police activities to keep up lawfulness and counter insurrection. It appeared as the Crown Representative’s Police on 27 July 1939. After Indian Independence, it turned into the Central Reserve Police Force on order of the CRPF Act on 28 December 1949. Other than peace and counter-rebellion obligations, the CRPF has assumed an undeniably enormous part in India’s overall decisions. This is particularly valid for the province of Jammu and Kashmir (recent State), Bihar and in the Northeast, with the presence of agitation and regularly fierce clash. During the Parliamentary appointment of September 1999, the CRPF assumed a significant function in the security game plans. Of late, CRPF contingents are additionally being conveyed in UN missions. With 246 legions and different foundations, the CRPF is viewed as India’s biggest paramilitary power and has an endorsed strength of more than 300,000 faculty starting at 2019.


SINO-INDO war 1962
Indo-Pakistan war 1965
Liberation of Bangladesh 1971
Sri-lanka mission
Haiti mission
Liberia mission

The Central Industrial Security Force

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)

set up in its current structure: 15 June 1983 as Central Armed Police Force in India. It was set up under an Act of the Parliament of India on 10 March 1969 with a strength of 2,800. CISF was hence made an equipped power of India by another Act of Parliament passed on 15 June 1983. Its present dynamic strength is 148,371 personnel. In April 2017, the public authority raised the authorized strength from 145,000 to 180,000 personnel. The CISF is represented by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, it is central command are at New Delhi.

The CISF gives security cover to 300 modern units, government framework activities and offices and foundations found all over India. Modern areas like nuclear force plants, space establishments, mines, oil fields and treatment facilities, significant ports, substantial designing, steel plants, blasts, compost units, air terminals and hydroelectric/warm force plants claimed and constrained by Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), and cash note presses creating Indian money are ensured by CISF. It consequently covers establishments all over India riding an assortment of landscape and climatic conditions. CISF additionally gives consultancy administrations to private ventures just as different associations inside the Indian government. The extent of CISF’s counseling practice incorporates security counseling and fire insurance counseling.

CISF is an extraordinary association in the paramilitary powers of India, which works for seaways, aviation routes and a portion of the significant establishments in India. In the CISF there are some held brigades which works with the state police to save law and requests. The CISF assumes a significant function in Disaster Management. The CISF has a Fire Wing’s which helps during fire mishaps in Industries where the CISF is careful.



The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is India’s essential fringe watch association with its border with China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. It is one of the seven Central Armed Police Forces of India, raised on 24 October 1962, under the CRPF Act, in the wake of the Sino-Indian War of 1962.

In September 1996, the Parliament of India sanctioned the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Act (1992) accommodate the constitution and guideline of the ITBP for guaranteeing the security of the fringes of India and for issues associated there with. The principal top of the ITBP, assigned Inspector General, was Balbir Singh, a cop beforehand having a place with the Intelligence Bureau. The ITBP, which began with 4 brigades, has, since rebuilding in 1978, gone through extension to a power of 60 Battalions with 15 Sectors and 05 Frontiers as of 2018 with an authorized strength of 89,432. Indo-China border at Nathu La, is protected by the ITBP. The ITBP is prepared in the Civil Medical Camp, fiasco the executives, and atomic, natural, and compound debacles. ITBP faculty have been sent abroad in UN peacekeeping missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Western Sahara, Sudan, Afghanistan, and later Two brigades of ITBP are deputed to National Disaster Response Force.


Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)

SSB is an border watch association of India sent along its fringe with Nepal and Bhutan. It is one of the Central Armed Police Forces under the authoritative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). Starting at 2019, it has 94,261 dynamic staff in 73 battalions.

The power was initially set up under the name Special Services Bureau in 1963 in the outcome of the Sino-Indian War to reinforce India’s fringe regions against foe activities. The common wing of the SSB, including 1,800 faculty, was moved to the Intelligence Bureau in 2018.

SSB is additionally occupied with Counter-Insurgency activities in Jammu and Kashmir and Anti-Naxal tasks in Jharkhand, Bihar and Chhattisgarh. It is likewise performing inward security for example Political person in various parts of India.

SSB commended the year 2013 as Golden Jubilee year stamping 50 years of its raising. The festivals have started with the Flag-off of a Mount Everest Expedition on 2 April 2013 from Delhi. The group drove by Commandant Somit Joshi effectively came to at the top at around 9.

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