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Jadunath Singh The Indian Martyrs

Jadunath Singh was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest military decoration for his actions during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. He was born on 21 Nov 1916 in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He was the son of a farmer Birbal Singh Rathore.

He studied up to fourth class in a local school in his village, he could not continue his education further due to the financial condition of his family. Most of his childhood was spent helping out his family with agricultural work around the farm. For recreation, Jadunath wrestled and eventually became the champion wrestler of his village. For his Strong and well-behaved character, he was nicknamed after lord hanuman, Hanuman Bhagat Bal Brahmachari. And later Jadunath Singh joined the British Indian Army in 1941.

In October 1947, after an offensive attack by the Pakistani raiders in Jammu and Kashmir, the Army Headquarters was directed to undertake a military response against the intruders. Arm forces planned several operations to kick out the Pakistani Muslim intruders. In one such operation to kick out the intruders, the 50th Para Brigade was ordered to secure Naushahra and establish a base at Jhangar.

Bad weather somehow helped the Pakistani intruders delayed the action of the Indian army and on 24 December, Jhangar, a strategically advantageous position in the Naushahra Sector of the valley, was captured by the Pakistanis intruders which gave them control over the communication lines between Mirpur and Poonch and provided a strategically strong point from which attacks could be made on Naushahra. In a couple of few next days, the Indian Arm forces undertook several operations in the northwest of the Naushahra sector to stop any further advances by the Pakistani intruder’s forces. the commanding officer of the 50th Para Brigade, Brigadier Mohammad Usman had made necessary arrangements to counter the expected attack by the Pakistani side. Indian Soldiers were deployed in small groups on Every possible way of enemy approach.

Jadunath Singh’s battalion was responsible for a number of approaches in Naushahra, and the Pakistani army opened fire on pickets patrolling along Tain Dhar Ridge on the morning of 6 February 1948 at 6:40 am. Gunfire was exchanged between the Indian And Pakistani sides. Early morning darkness helps the attacking Pakistanis intruder and they were able to sneak up to the pickets. Men in the posts on the Tain Dhar ridge soon observed a large number of Pakistani soldiers approaching them. Jadunath Singh was commanding the section of nine personnel. Singh and his section take cover against the heavily outnumbered advancing Pakistani forces. Singh led his men in defending the post against three attempts by Pakistani intruders to take it. He was wounded during the second attack. Being wounded he still manages to arm himself with a Sten gun and single-handedly charges the third attack with such valour and determination as to cause the attackers to withdraw. By the end of the third attack, 24 out of 27 men at the post were dead or severely wounded. Singh being a section commander, displayed “exemplary” leadership, and kept motivating his men till he succumbed to his wounds. This proved a very critical moment for the battle at Naushahra. For his courageous action on the line of duty, he was posthumously awarded India’s highest gallantry award, the Param Vir Chakra.